How can I keep a really nice lawn year round?

It is worth hiring a professional to apply products to your lawn.  The average home-owner is not trained to distribute products properly, apply at the proper time, and apply the proper product.  At Lush Lawns, we thrive to meet your goals for your lawn expectations.  We only use high quality commercial products and have licensed and certified applicators at your site.

How do I get rid of weeds?

Weeds that grow from seed can be halted with a pre-emergent application prior to seed germination.  Post-emergent herbicides are used after weeds are visible.  This is a complicated topic and best left to professionals – like us!  The products we are using are considered the best on the market and designed to be used by a lawn care professional.

How long do I need to stay off the grass after an application?

Generally speaking, it is okay to return to the lawn immediately, or after 24 hours, depending on product applied.  A yard marker will be placed in the yard and an application sheet will be left at the door with details about product applied that day and any special instructions.

What is the time-frame between applications?

The average time frame between applications is 4 to 6 weeks.  This can be discussed in detail on-site as we have custom programs that fit every homeowner or business needs.

How often should I mow my grass and should I bag my clippings?

You cannot mow too often, but most of us want a lush lawn with the least amount of mowing possible.  Did you know proper fertilization will actually limit the growth of the grass thus reducing the times you have to mow, and result in a greener thicker lawn?  Do not cut more than 1/3 of the plant when mowing, and only bag clippings if you are leaving clumps of grass in the lawn.  Clippings returned to the lawn actually helps with fertilization.

Should I water after an application?

It is Generally best to wait for 24 hours depending on product applied.  An application sheet will be left at the door with details about product applied and recommended water tips.

Should I use spike aeration or core aeration?

Core aeration only.  Period.